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Are Flip Flops Bad For Your Feet?

Are flip flops bad for your feet? Dr. Angela Walk

As warm weather approaches, I invariably receive many questions regarding summertime footwear. My patients who suffer from foot conditions such as plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis are curious if sandals and flip flops are bad for your feet.

This topic has always generated controversy because there is such a wide-range of opinions among foot health practitioners. There are strong opinions on both sides of the argument.

Some practitioners feel that barefoot walking, flip flops, sandals, and "unsupportive" shoes are harmful to your feet and even cause dysfunction while others, including myself, believe that the less material between your feet and the earth is optimal.

In this article, I will share my view and opinion on flip-flops and how they might improve foot health or hinder it. So, are flip-flops bad for your feet?

Dr. Angela Walk

Chiropractic Physician

Foot Health Coach

Do Flip Flops Damage Your Feet?

You can find plenty of articles and studies to support both sides of the flip-flop discussion. It's no wonder my patients are confused.

One of the most recent studies shows that flip-flops have been used (and continue to be used) by hundreds of millions of people on continents such as Asia, Africa, and South America.

The studies show that flip-flops are worn successfully and the countries lack the widespread foot health issues we experience in our society.

The American Podiatric Medical Association notes that 77 percent of US adults have experienced foot pain or problems, whereas only 9 percent experienced foot problems and many of those had never worn shoes or had only worn a light sandal.

If flip-flops contribute to poor foot health, you would expect to see an increase in foot issues in these societies, but this is not the case.

On the other side of the coin, many practitioners feel that when you wear flip-flops, your toes tend to over-grip because the thin straps don’t securely hold your feet in place.

They feel that this over-gripping can lead to a strain in the plantar fascia ligament along the bottom side of your foot.

I am an advocate for flip-flops, barefoot and minimalist shoes, however, there are certain criteria to consider when finding healthy footwear. Let's take a look at what makes a healthy flip-flop or sandal.

What Flip Flops Are Good For Your Feet?

What flip flops are good for your feet? Dr. Angela Walk

When I think about why people love flip flops so much, it’s because they’re the ultimate convenience shoe. They require no thought or planning, can be slipped on and off as needed, and are (relatively) comfortable.

I actually love to wear flip-flops for this reason. So, I completely understand why it would be difficult to toss them all together. However, flip-flops are not created equally. There are sandal features that you should keep in mind.

The most common design problems to avoid are loose fitting straps, heel elevation, and extremely cushioned soles. The same criteria that apply to regular shoes (in terms of foot-healthy design features) also apply to flip-flops.

Be sure to search for these design qualities when choosing summer footwear:

  • Snugly fitting straps that have a shorter toe post so that your toes are not forced to grip excessively.

  • Avoid an elevated heel and built in arch supports. Ensure the soles are completely flat, with the back of the heel at the same height as the ball of the foot,

  • A flexible sole to encourage enhanced foot strength.

  • No added cushioning or shock absorption. A thin, flexible sole is ideal

  • Consider a back strap to secure your foot in place whether your hiking or strolling around town.

Many of my patients have asked me about particular brands such as Oofos, Archies, Crocs, Birkenstocks, and Vionics. Sadly, most of these brands do not meet the essential criteria.

However, I haven't researched every aspect of each brand. Ultimately, it's up to you to use the criteria listed above and make your decision.

The flip-flop features that patients are seeking to relieve foot pain are actually worsening their condition and weakening necessary foot strength. The two most common features are built in arch support and extra cushion.

If your feet are deconditioned to support themselves, the arch in flip-flops can feel really good. But relying on arch support gives you no chance to use the muscles and nerves in your feet – tissues that, if strong and active, are more than up to the job of supporting you without any assistance.

Most feet aren’t flawed, just underused. And simply wearing barefoot shoes is one way to fix that. Studies have shown that walking around in minimalist shoes naturally strengthens feet. Hence, arch support might help you today, but it’s not preparing you for tomorrow.

A thin and flexible sole is much better! The flip-flops and sandals that are the best for your feet are brands such as Xero Shoes, Earth Runners, and Luna Sandals to name a few.

You can absolutely rock flip-flops without your feet having to pay the price. I've had patients question if wearing flip-flops caused their current foot condition. Let's look at how wearing ill-fitting footwear can lead to foot disorders such as plantar fasciitis.

Can Flip Flops Cause Plantar Fasciitis?

One of the most common conditions of the foot and heel is plantar fasciitis, and it is the most prevalent condition I treat in my office.

One distinctive feature of plantar fasciitis is experiencing severe pain when they first get out of bed in the morning, making the first few steps of the day an agonizing experience.

Managing footwear is the first step to resolving plantar fasciitis. As we discussed earlier in this article, many practitioners feel that your toes tend to over-grip when you wear flip flops, because the thin straps don’t securely hold your foot in place.

If your flip-flops have loose, flimsy straps with thick, cushioned soles, an elevated heel, and built in arch supports, this can lead to weakened intrinsic foot muscles and shortened calf muscles.

Overtime, this can lead to conditions such as plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, and other foot and lower leg conditions.

To make your footwear foot positive, ensure that the straps on your flip-slops are snug and hold your foot securely in place.

This is the main characteristic to consider. Also, a back strap is helpful to keep your foot against the sole of your shoe.

Are Sandals Bad For Plantar Fasciitis?

The same criteria that would apply to finding the healthiest flip-flop would also apply to sandals.

Be sure to search for these design qualities when choosing summer footwear:

  • Snugly fitting straps that have a shorter toe post so that your toes are not forced to grip excessively.

  • Avoid an elevated heel and built in arch supports. Ensure the soles are completely flat, with the back of the heel at the same height as the ball of the foot,

  • A flexible sole to encourage enhanced foot strength.

  • No added cushioning or shock absorption. A thin, flexible sole is ideal

  • Consider a back strap to secure your foot in place whether your hiking or strolling around town.

Now that we know what footwear features create foot-healthy shoes, let's look at other ways to ensure our feet our healthy.

Is Going Barefoot Bad For Your Feet?

Is going barefoot bad for your feet? Dr. Angela Walk

The benefits of going barefoot and wearing natural, minimalist shoes are numerous. I am a strong advocate of both.

Barefoot walking has been shown to naturally increase the strength of your foot muscles, provide better balance, and even prevent foot conditions such as plantar fasciitis, bunions, and hammer toes.

Many studies have shown that barefoot cultures have fewer foot and knee problems. Physicians who performed the studies observed that people who lived barefoot, had significantly straighter, more aligned toes, and wider spread toes vs. our culture that showed tapered narrowed toes.

It takes time to train your feet to enjoy barefoot walking. You will need to slowly begin to introduce your feet to this new concept. Try to make a conscious effort to take your shoes off when you’re at your desk, or just walking around the house.

This is something that I have made a habit of doing daily to increase natural foot strength. Start with going barefoot for 30 minutes each day then increase each week.

Going barefoot is not always practical. You don't have to give up your shoes and go barefoot to derive the benefits of a “barefoot” foot position. Those benefits can be had if you can find a shoe that allows your feet to mimic barefoot walking.

Let's take a look at the best type of minimalist footwear to support healthy feet.

What Are The Best Shoes For Plantar Fasciitis?

What are the best shoes for plantar fasciitis? Dr. Angela Walk

When discussing flip-flops and foot health, the design of your sandals or any footwear should include critical criteria. The following design features to be foot-health-positive:

  • A wide toe box to encourage natural toe splay and spreading of the toes

  • A flexible sole to encourage enhanced foot strength

  • A completely flat support platform from heel to toe to encourage natural arch support

Our feet are inherently strong and do not need extra arch support or extra cushion. It seems that the less “technology” a shoe has, the better it is for the foot. The more a shoe externally “supports” the feet, the less internal strength the the feet develop.

The feet actually become dependent on "supportive" shoes with extra stabilizing features because they’ve become so weakened and deformed by the shape and technology built into the footwear.

Our feet have memory and will conform to conventional shoes. A tapered toe box squeezes the toes together, lengthening and weakening the muscles while simultaneously shortening and tightening the muscles in the middle of the foot.

The transition from normal footwear to minimalist should be gradual to avoid injury. You wouldn’t run a marathon without increasing your mileage slowly, right?

The minimalist shoes that I recommend are Vivobarefoot shoes and Altra Running shoes. Both of these brands check all the foot healthy boxes. I am not an affiliate for these brands. These are actually the brand I love for comfort, style, and foot health.

What Shoes Should I Avoid If I Have Plantar Fasciitis?

What shoes should I avoid if I have plantar fasciitis? Dr. Angela Walk

There is an all too common link between poor, ill-fitting footwear and plantar fasciitis. Suitable footwear is paramount to the success of treating the condition. In fact, managing footwear is the first step and if left unaddressed, it can reduce the effectiveness of other treatments or prolong the condition,

Unfortunately, the modern shoe industry which focuses more on shoe design on fashion instead of what is good for your fee, makes it even more difficult.

The importance of suitable footwear is paramount in the success of treating plantar fasciitis. Please see the above recommendations for foot-positive footwear.

Can I Treat Plantar Fasciitis At Home?

As a chiropractor and foot specialist, I often see patients with plantar fasciitis after they’ve tried everything. Cortisone shots, night splints, ineffective stretching, and rolling on a frozen water bottle are a few of their failed remedies.

If you’re wondering how to treat plantar fasciitis at home, I want to share a few insights that have worked for my patients. The solution for most of my patients is through addressing multiple factors.

  • Improving limited ankle mobility and dorsiflexion

  • Strengthening weak intrinsic foot muscles

  • Strengthening weak calf, soleus, and peroneal muscles

Rarely is there a quick fix for PF. Identifying areas of weakness in the foot and ankle and restoring proper foot function is the most important piece of the puzzle.

I have created a step-by-step comprehensive guide on how to resolve Plantar Fasciitis at Home. Take a look at my FREE GUIDE here.


I hope this article has provided you with an alternative perspective to most of the content out there about flip-flops and their possible effects on feet and foot health.

Flip-flops and sandals can absolutely be foot-positive footwear if the design features include a snugly fitting strapping system that prevents excessive toe gripping.

If your flip-flops have these features, it can present an opportunity to increase foot strength in a natural way and allow your foot to function as nature intended, AND even be stylish for summer.

If you have additional questions about footwear, heel pain and plantar fasciitis, don’t hesitate to reach out. I'm here to help get you back on your feet--literally.

Best of Health,

Dr. Angela

P.S. If you would like daily tips on foot health, join my Instagram and Facebook pages.

I have written extensively on the topic of healthy feet and plantar fasciitis. Take a look at these other related blog posts:

Hi, I'm Dr. Angela Walk

I have been involved in the health and wellness industry for over 20 years as a wellness physician, chiropractor, and foot health coach. I have written extensively for health publications and I am keenly aware of trends and new developments.

I embrace an active lifestyle combining diet, exercise and healthy choices. By working to inform readers of the options available to them, I hope to improve your health and quality of life.

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