If you suffer from Plantar Fasciitis you know how frustrating it is to get relief. Many people
suffer from chronic foot, heel and arch pain for years and have tried countless traditional methods (anti-inflammatories, ice, rest, orthotics, night splints) with no real solution.
This article sheds more light on what type of stretching is helpful and answers the question, does stretching make plantar fasciitis worse?
Most people who suffer with plantar fasciitis have researched the best remedies to resolve your pain. Stretching is always at the top of the list. It seems reasonable as your arch, calf and Achilles tendon areas just feels tight. Yet, stretching is not as simple an undertaking as it seems.
Certain types of stretching can actually make your problem worse. There are two types of stretching, static and active stretching.
Static stretching is when the body segments are not moving, while in active stretching, there is motion. Static stretching is not the most effective type of stretching and can make plantar fasciitis symptoms worse.
Let's take a deeper look into the different types of stretching and the most effective way to stretch to relieve plantar fasciitis.
What Is Static Stretching?

Static stretching (the type of stretching traditionally taught in athletic training, yoga and dance studios, physical therapy and chiropractic clinics), is a stretch holding one position for 20-30 seconds.
This lengthy stretch activates our stretch reflex. The stretch reflex is designed to prevent us from tearing our muscles, tendons, and ligaments. When we stretch too far, our stretch reflex kicks in and contracts our muscles to prevent tearing.
So, with static stretching (holding a stretch for longer than 20 seconds) the voluntary and involuntary parts of our nervous system are battling each other, trying to achieve opposite results.
Our brain is sending the voluntary message to manually stretch our muscles by pulling on them, but despite all our efforts, our stretch reflex is automatically kicking in.
Even though many people know from experience that static stretching doesn’t help their chronic tightness or pain, it’s difficult to argue against a practice that’s been around for more than 2000 years.
It also just feels good. However, for therapeutic benefits, such as attempting to heal from plantar fasciitis, there is a better, more effective way to stretch.
Active Isolated Stretching For Plantar Fasciitis

Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) is one of the methods of stretching most used by today's athletes, chiropractors, physical therapists and personal/athletic trainers.
Active Isolated Stretching technique involves the method of holding each stretch for only two seconds.
This method of stretching is also known to work with the body's natural physiological makeup to improve circulation and increase the elasticity of muscles, joints, and fascia without triggering the negative reaction of the stretch reflex as in static stretching (holding a stretch for 20-30 seconds)
Active Isolated Stretching Guide
1. Isolate the Muscle to Stretch
If you didn’t already know, muscles often work in opposition. If you want to isolate a muscle, you need to do the opposite for the other muscle.
For example, when you flex your quadricep (thigh muscle), you stretch your hamstring and vice versa. So you need to flex one muscle in order to stretch another.
Then, the brain sends a signal to the hamstrings to relax. This provides a perfect environment for the hamstring to stretch.
2. Only Hold the Stretch for Two Seconds
Flex the opposing muscle to stretch the muscle you are isolating. But don’t hold it for a minute like static stretching! Instead, only hold the position for two seconds.
3. Perform 10 Repetitions
Simply repeat this process until you have done about 10 reps. Breathing is also important, so exhale during the stretching portion of each rep. This allows oxygen to pump through the body and increase circulation.
Why 10 repetitions?
Repeat each stretch 10 times in order to increase the circulation of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the muscles being stretched.
This technique will help you gain the most flexibility per session. Remember, the more nutrition a muscle can obtain and the more toxins a muscle can release, the faster the muscle can recover.
Why Only Hold For 2 Seconds?
Each stretch is held for a maximum of two seconds in order to avoid the activation of the stretch reflex. The stretch reflex (also called the myotatic reflex) prevents a muscle or tendon from overstretching too far or too fast.
This is our body's natural protection against strains, sprains, and tears. By holding short-term stretches, we increase our range of motion with each repetition and eliminate any fear of pain.
What Are The Best Stretches For Plantar Fasciitis?

Active Isolated Stretching Of The Plantar Fascia, Achilles Tendon, Gastrocnemius, Soleus & Hamstring:
1. Using a or stair step or foot rocker, carefully lower your heel without bending your knees, letting your toes rise naturally.
This will create a stretch in your hamstring, calf muscle, and plantar fascia.
I recommend a foot rocker as it offers a special angled platform made specially to elongate the calf muscles. It's the best $20 you will ever spend.
2. Steady yourself by holding onto a chair or the wall.
3. If you are using a stair step, stand toward the end of the surface with firm toes and a slightly elevated heel
4. Now, lower you heel and begin to stretch. Hold this stretched position for 2 seconds then come back to the neutral position.
5. Perform 10 repetitions of this exercise on each side, 3 times per day.
Now that you understand what the best type of stretching is for plantar fasciitis. let's look at other things to avoid that could make your plantar fasciitis symptoms worse.
What Not To Do With Plantar Fasciitis

Avoid Stretching Too Soon: If your plantar fasciitis symptoms are as a result of a new injury, stretching can make it worse. Rest and apply ice. When the inflammation has settled and you are less sore, begin Active Isolated Stretching.
Avoid Strenuous Activity: If your foot symptoms are as a result of a particular activity such as running or prolonged standing, rest is imperative. This might be difficult for athletes who love their sport, yet recovery must be taken seriously to truly heal from PF.
Avoid Wearing Ill-fitting Footwear: Wear shoes with a wide toe box and no elevated heel. Walk barefoot more often and look into minimalist shoes.
Don‘t Get Discouraged! You may feel like you will never recovery from plantar fasciitis. I have worked will hundreds of cases and It is with great relief that I discovered that most cases of plantar fasciitis responded very well and no longer needed ineffective medical intervention.
Can I Treat Plantar Fasciitis At Home?
As a chiropractor and foot specialist, I often see patients with plantar fasciitis after they’ve tried everything. Cortisone shots, night splints, ineffective stretching, and rolling on a frozen water bottle are a few of their failed remedies.
If you’re wondering how to treat plantar fasciitis at home, I want to share a few insights that have worked for my patients. The solution for most of my patients is through addressing multiple factors.
Improving limited ankle mobility and dorsiflexion
Strengthening weak intrinsic foot muscles
Strengthening weak calf, soleus, and peroneal muscles
Rarely is there a quick fix for PF. Identifying areas of weakness in the foot and ankle and restoring proper foot function is the most important piece of the puzzle.
I have created a step-by-step comprehensive guide on how to resolve Plantar Fasciitis at Home. Take a look at my FREE GUIDE here.
If done correctly, stretching is an incredibly important part of your plantar fasciitis rehabilitation protocol to improve range of motion and flexibility.
Dealing with the pain of plantar fasciitis can be life changing, but it doesn’t have to be a life sentence. By arming yourself with knowledge and taking charge of your healing, you can get back to the activities you love and feel like yourself again.
If you have additional questions about heel pain and plantar fasciitis, don’t hesitate to reach out. I'm here to help get you back on your feet--literally.
Best of Health,
Dr. Angela
I've written extensively on the topic of Plantar Fasciitis. Take a look at these other related blog posts:
What Causes Plantar Fasciitis Scar Tissue?
What Is The Main Cause Of Plantar Fasciitis?

Hi, I'm Dr. Angela Walk...
I have been involved in the health and wellness industry for over 20 years as a natural physician. I specialize in foot & gait mechanics and I have written extensively for health publications.
I am keenly aware of trends and new developments in natural health and I embrace an active lifestyle combining diet, exercise and healthy choices.
My goal is to inform my readers of natural options available to them in hopes of improving their health and quality of life.
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