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How Can CBD Cream Work On My Achy Muscles & Joints?

Joint or muscle pain is something that we have all likely experienced at some point in our lives...

Whether it be from a sports injury, recovering from exercise, or a condition like arthritis or fibromyalgia. Pain can be an inevitable part of life...However, there are ways to relieve it that do not rely on pharmaceutical medication and that have no side effects and no risk of addiction.

In this article, we will look at how topical CBD cream can help. We know first hand how difficult pain can be to face. It's overwhelming sometimes. But unfortunately the most common, over-the-counter options are not only ineffective but actually dangerous.

That's why we are SO committed to the anti-inflammatory lifestyle and bringing you safe, natural options. We always look for what works and what will be safe for you in the process.

Many people believe their only option for pain relief is found in the form of potentially harmful NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Aleve, and Advil.

The FDA has had no choice but to ramp up its warnings about the risk of these drugs and their role in causing heart attacks and strokes. These drugs have some serious side effects, and it is estimated that they cause at least 16,000 deaths per year and send 100,000 people to the emergency room in the United States. The FDA is now requiring manufacturers of prescription NSAIDs to update their labels with more accurate information about heart attack and stroke risks. These drugs do not sound like much of a solution anymore, do they?

People have been exploring the use of CBD for joint pain and other forms of physical pain. Research has suggested that the compound has anti-inflammatory benefits in the body that help with specific types of pain.

One study from 2020 found that CBD has anti-arthritic activity and could potentially help symptoms of arthritis and joint pain by targeting cells that drive inflammation. Another study from 2017 indicated that cannabidiol showed promise in helping improve markers of inflammation, pain, and nerve damage.

But it gets more interesting...

A recent poll conducted by the Arthritis Foundation questioned 2,600 individuals who suffer from arthritis pain about their experiences using cannabidiol. According to the poll, a miraculous 94% of those who use CBD say they use it to alleviate their pain. Additionally, 67% of the poll participants reported improvements in their physical functioning due to taking the CBD.

All of these studies over the past years point toward CBD having some major potential when it comes to those seeking relief for their joint pain and inflammation. This is especially helpful for arthritis and other inflammatory conditions as well as chronic pain from sports or overuse.

CBD Cream and Joint Pain

If you’re searching for a CBD product to help soothe aches and pains related to your joints, you have seemingly endless choices. From oils to capsules and everything in between, they all have the potential to aid in relieving pain. But CBD creams and other topicals are especially helpful for joint and muscle pains. Topicals can be applied directly to your painful areas, isolating the CBD to only that one spot.

Benefits of Using CBD Balm

The top benefit of using CBD-enriched topicals is that you can target your pain, as we mentioned above, and apply it directly to the site of inflammation. Further benefits include the natural results of pain relief, such as relaxation, the ability to move more easily and smoothly, and better-quality sleep. Once your pain is reduced and your sleep improves, you’re able to get out, enjoy life more, and move freely without pain and inflammation holding you back.

Research and Reviews

There continues to be more and more research done on CBD. Growing evidence, research, studies, and consumer reports suggest that using CBD topicals help with a variety of skin, muscle, and joint-related issues.

If you are planning on purchasing a CBD-infused cream to help with arthritis or joint pain, we recommend trying out our 250mg CBD Infused Relief Stick. This maximum strength balm is unique and carefully crafted. It utilizes 5 powerful essential oils along with 250mg of organic hemp-derived CBD, which penetrates deeply & quickly into joints. Our reviews speak for themselves:

★★★★★ Excellent product and results with this relief stick!

"I have recurring chronic pain and have used many different creams, This stick definitely works. Highly recommend!"

— Sarah J.

★★★★★ Cooling sensation and lasts for hours!

“My husband has been using this stick for a month on his shoulders and back. He is so pleased with the results. We are ordering more!”

— Nancy C.

This is important:

Keep in mind that you can also use CBD cream in conjunction with other cannabidiol products. Some people find combining a topical with a CBD tincture you take orally can maximize the pain-relieving benefits, and it can help you in many other ways, too. Easing stress and anxiety, helping you relax, or even providing you with a boost in energy when taken in smaller doses are but a few of those benefits.

We hope that you find our posts helpful and please feel free to forward this information to anyone who might have questions about the benefits of our CBD products. We strive to educate our patients on all aspects of health. If you have a question or need more information on a particular topic, please post in the comments or contact Dr. Angela directly. We look forward to hearing from you!

Best of Health,

Dr. Angela

Founder of Nashville Organix


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Plant-Based Products That Actually Work!

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Plant-Based Products That Actually Work!


Wellness Physician & Holistic Nutrition Coach with a passion to inspire others to live healthier lives!

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Wellness Physician & Holistic Nutrition Coach with a passion to inspire others to live healthier lives!




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This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Angela Walk nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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